Thursday, March 9, 2017

Keyboard shortcuts of Ubuntu 13 04

Keyboard shortcuts of Ubuntu 13 04

Hello friends, today I am going to tell you about some keyboard shortcuts of Ubuntu 13.04. Although its written in Ubuntu documentation but only a few of us bothers about the documentation and read them. So, I am summarizing them here. I collected it from Ubuntu official website.
Just comment here, if any of the below code is not working.

Windows and Workspaces: 
Keyboard ShortcutDescription
Alt + F4Close current window
Alt + F2Run a command
Alt + TabSwitch windows
Alt + Shift + TabReverse Switch window
Alt + Tab + Right ArrowSwitch to next window to the right
Alt + Tab + Left Arrow?Switch to next window to the left
Alt + Tab + Down Arrow?Preview selected window
Alt + `Switch between windows in selected application
Alt + Shift + `Reverse switch window in selected application
Super + sActivate workspace switcher
Super + wShow all windows in current workspace
CTRL + Alt + Arrows????Switch between workspaces
CTRL + Alt + Shift + ArrowsMove current window to another workspace
CTRL + Alt + DelLog out
CTRL + Super + DHide all windows
CTRL + Alt + LLock screen
CTRL + Super + Up ArrowMaximise current window
Alt + Left mouse dragMove window
Alt + Middle mouse dragResize window
Alt + F7 + Arrows????Move Window
Alt + F8 + Arrows ????Resize Window
CTRL + Alt + TLaunch Terminal

Heads Up Display (HUD):
Keyboard ShortcutDescription
Alt (quick tap)Opens HUD
TypeShows list of items to choose from
ArrowsSelect result
Esc (or Alt again)Exit HUD

The Dash:
Keyboard ShortcutDescription
Super (hold)Show keyboard shortcuts
Super (tap)Show dash
Super + AShow Applications lens
Super + FShow Files lens
Super + MShow Music lens
Super + VShow Video lens
Super + CShow Photos lens
Super + GShow Gwibber lens
Arrow keysChange selected item
CTRL + TabToggle through lenses
CTRL + Shift + TabToggler backwards through lenses
EnterOpen selected item
Right click on itemPreview

The Launcher:
Keyboard ShortcutDescription
Alt + F1Enables keyboard navigation
Super + TabSwitch between applications
Super + Shift + TabToggle backwards through applications in launcher
Super + (1 to 9)Select application defined by number
Super + Shift + (1 to 9)Open new window for application
Super + TOpen recycle bin

Keyboard ShortcutDescription
PrintTake a screenshot
Alt + PrintCapture current window
Shift + PrintTake screenshot of area of screen
CTRL + PrintCopy screenshot to clipboard
CTRL + Alt + PrintCapture current window to clipboard
CTRL + Shift + PrintCapture screen area to clipboard

Enjoy hacking.
Keep on reading my blogs.

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