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Start Forex Trading Without Investment and Get 250$ /Month Bonus for Trading Online,Start Forex Trading Without Investment and Get 250$ /Month Bonus for Trading Online

Start Forex Trading Without Investment and Get 250$ /Month Bonus for Trading Online,Start Forex Trading Without Investment and Get 250$ /Month Bonus for Trading Online

Start Forex Trading Without Investment and Get 250$ /Month Bonus for Trading Online

In this tutorial you will learn how you can start Global Forex Trading Free online, without investing even one penny from your pocket. This tutorial will help to beginners as well as those who have faced financial losses in Forex Trading. Here i will guide you step by step, you have to follow these steps, you will be moving towards success. Before starting directly, here i would like to make some introduction about What is Forex Trading, so that you could get or refresh your ideas. Press Ctrl + D to Bookmark this page for future reference.

What is Forex Trading:

Forex Trading is trading currencies from different countries together. Forex stands for foreign exchange.

For example, in Europe the currency in circulation is called the Euro (EUR) and the United States the currency in circulation is called the U.S. Dollar (USD). An example of a forex trade is to buy the Euro while simultaneously selling U.S. dollars. This is called going long on the EUR / USD.
How Does Forex Trading Actually Works?

Forex trading is usually done through a broker. As a trader Forex, you can choose a currency pair that you expect to change in value and place a trade accordingly. For example , if you had purchased 1,000 Euros in January 2005 , will cost about $ 1.200 U.S. dollars . In 2005 , the value Euro’s relative to the value of the U.S. Dollar growing. At the end of the year 1,000 Euros was worth $ 1.300 U.S. dollars . If you had chosen to end your trade at that point , you will have a profit of $ 100.

Forex trading can be placed through a broker or market maker. Orders can be placed with just a few clicks and the broker then passes the order along to a partner in the interbank market to cover your position . When you close your trade , the broker closes the position on the Interbank Market and credits your account with the loss or profit . This can all happen literally within a few seconds. With this short description about Forex Trading you have gotten an idea about Forex Trading. Purpose of this tutorial is not to make you expert in Forex Trading, purpose is to present an idea which is very financially beneficial for you, if you have not much to invest money in Forex Trading, or you are a student and you want to earn for your studies in your spare time, then this idea will make it possible to guide you step by step to learn how you can start Forex trading from your home without any money investment. So, below are the steps to take, follow them accordingly, for questions, you can post your questions below in comment section.
How to Start Forex Trading Without Investment:


This is area of interest for you, here i will tell you how to start Forex Trading without investment. What you have to do is

you have to invest your some time to be online. You have to publish your comments about Forex Trading on given forum. You will be paid for your submitted comments. The monthly limit of comments is 1250 comments /month. For submitting 1250 Comments you will get 250$ (0.20 USD Bonus per single comment) bonus in your Forum Account balance. 250 USD is the upper limit you can earn maximum from commenting on this forum. This Bonus balance (250 Dollar or what is your balance) will be shifted to your Real Trading Account for trading. You will be able to trade with this bonus amount, earn profits and withdraw them. You can not withdraw this trading bonus, but you can only use it for trading purpose. If you comment less than upper limit, then definitely you will earn less than 250 USD, but any bonus in your forum account balance, that will be moved to Live Trading account automatically First Seven Days of the month.

Bonus Shifted from Forum Account to Live Trading Account

In this way, by commenting you will earn bonus trading balance, use it for real Forex trading, withdraw your profits. This was the summary of this tutorial, now i move to steps to take:
Step 1:

Create your free account on this forum :

  >>>Click Here to Join Indian Forum<<< 

and Register your Account. After successful registration, Activation email will be dispatched to your given email address. Check your inbox / spam folder, open it and activate your account.

After activation of your account, now you can start posting. Before posting, there are some tips to remember. If you do not follow the forum RULES, you will be banned.
Read Forum Rules:

1. Registration of several profiles by one user is not allowed. Users having more than one nickname on the forum shall be banned without notice.
2. The Administration reserves the right to decline a request for registration in case the nickname specified in it is similar to that already existing on the forum contains advertisement or contradicts ethical principles.
3. Spamming users will be banned without warning.
4. Do not post any information, which is knowingly false, defamatory or violative of any law.
5. Respect other forum members. Do not threat, insult, hassle, harass or abuse anyone within the forum. After third warning you will be banned.
6. Illegal distribution of copyrighted materials is prohibited. If you post an article you must add the link to original recourse too.
7. Do not reply if it is unnecessary. Senseless or inherence messages or posts containing only smiles will be deleted with no warning.
8. Before starting a thread, make sure there are no topics with similar content. Duplicating or multiplying topics/posts is prohibited.
9. Choose the right section to post in. Littering the forum is undesirable.
10. Pay attention that the language of the forum is English/Hinglish/Hindi. Unreadable messages in other languages will be deleted.
11. Do not misuse of the text markers and “Caps Lock” in post and signatures. Mark only important information.
12. The maximum possible signature is four lines. The maximum number of external links in the signature is 2. The maximum font size is 2.
13. If you use exterior services to uploading pictures (photo hosting), make sure the pictures meet the following parameters: 800×600 px and 200 Kb.
14. Author’s material placed on the forum is the property of the forum. The user who placed such material is not entitled to demand its deletion or editing.
15.Unauthorized advertising beyond the framework of the specially designated section is prohibited.
16. Advertising offers at the forum or in the signature must comply with the content of the forum and the forum rules.
17. The forum Administration reserves a right to request placing a back-link to the main page of Indian Forex Forum at the main page of a site, which is promoted at Indian forum by its representatives or partners. This condition is not obligatory in case the Administration did not make a request. Each case is considered individually.
18. The forum administration reserves the right to remove and (or) correct topics/posts/signatures without explanation.
19. The forum administration reserves the right to shift topics/posts without providing any reasons in case it considers the initial placing of topics/posts indecent.

“Advertising” forum rules

1. Promoting illegal activities is not allowed.

2. You are prohibited from duplicating or multiplying topics: one announcement is enough.
3. Your topic must be titled briefly and include the name of the service or product, which is promoted.
4. Topic-icon option is not available: a member will decide himself if your announcement is worth noticing.
5. Placing referral links on commercial websites that are not partners of Indian Forex Forum is prohibited.
6. Indian forum administration does not bear responsibility for authenticity of publications in this section.

The rules of Forum for brokers section

1. Wars between brokers are not allowed.
2. Do not use this section to extort money from a broker or damage the image/reputation of a certain company. In order to settle disputes, please apply to corresponding authorities or court, the forum is meant only for exchange of opinions or work.
3. Ungrounded emotional accusations shall be removed. Only well-grounded information is allowed to be published.
4. Confidential information is forbidden to be represented in a public mode. If this information is requested by a broker representative, please send the necessary details using Personal messages option of the forum.
5. The forum is designed for discussing general questions. Please do not raise technical, financial issues or claims related to deals on the forum: contact the corresponding departments of your broker. (Source)

There are no limits of posts/day, you can posts as many posts as you can do, but remember, Bonus limit is 250 USD per month. Your posts must be larger than 2 lines of the forum. You can use English, Urdu and Hindi Languages (Read forum Guidelines as well). Your posts must be unique and please do not copy any material from internet or other forums. Submit your own words only. Otherwise you will be banned or your post would not be counted and you will not get bonus for that post.

After complete review of forum Rules, you can start posting. Try to make 45 posts per day to reach monthly maximum bonus limit 250 $. Submit Good comments and receive daily bonus. Do this work Daily and increase your bonus. Now i move to step 2.
Step 2:

In this step i will tell you how you will open your Live Trading Account. Opening of Live Forex Trading Account is Free. After successful opening, i will tell you how you will attach your forum account with Live Trading account, so that your Bonus amount must be shifted to your Live Trading Account.

Open Account in Instaforex by visiting

While filling the Account Opening form write “forum” or “portalforum” in the affiliate code section.

Confirm your account opening and note down your account details

Now your Instaforex Live Trading account is ready, next step is how to attach your Instaforex account to your Forum account to shift your bonus to Instaforex Live Trading Account, Process is in Step 3.
Step 3:

Log in to Your Forex Forum India Account.

Go to your Profile Section.

Attach your Instaforex Account by entering Account Number and Password:

Now your both accounts are attached with each other.

Now start commenting, and wait for ending of 1st month. When your bonus shifts to your Live Instaforex Trading account, Start Forex Trading. If you take both accounts parallel, your forum account will provide you more bonus for trading every month, you will increase your balance in live trading account, you will trade well. You can withdraw your profits as low as only from 1 Dollar. Withdraw is Instant.

I hope this idea will be helpful to change your life. If there is any question, please leave below a comment.

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